
Is your business experiencing problems with QuickBooks?

Where do you take your business after QuickBooks?


Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central is the answer

Your original selection of QuickBooks was probably an easy, natural and obvious choice. However, as time has gone by and your business requirements have changed and become more complex, that original assessment may now seem like a hasty and ill-considered decision. The initial attraction that QuickBooks is both simplistic and easy to use, ultimately becomes its downfall further down the line as the system struggles to keep up with the demands of your growing business. The original convenient set-up reveals itself to be a restriction to your auditing and accounting controls and the simplicity you once appreciated only now frustrates you with limited functionality and inflexible applications. Problems with QuickBooks are common place in this environment, you are not alone.

Common problems with QuickBooks

As an experienced user of QuickBooks, you may have encountered these issues with your own system:
Maximum records limit reached – this is a common hindrance that restricts your business from growth. Limitations on how many records QuickBooks can maintain and process in its archive is a frustration for all users. So, what do you do when you have reached those limits on posted transactions and employees? Your only answer is to remove those records from your history – which is not the viable answer you want to hear if you are trying to run and preserve comprehensive business records.

Insecure data – users are able to directly edit posted transactions and no record is kept of those changes made. This is one of the most questionable problems with QuickBooks, as users are even permitted to create out-of-balance transactions in their data – skewing credits with debits.

If you want to build a relationship with a business lender or go public

Unfortunately, this immediately creates a barrier as they will be reluctant to work with an organisation employing QuickBooks. Having no audit trail, along with the knowledge that data can be easily accessed and manipulated are valid reasons to scare off any credible business lender. It’s even been known that Certified Public Accountants will refuse QuickBooks audits, due to the ease of data manipulation.
Originally, QuickBooks was the right choice, at the right time. However, these alarming problems with QuickBooks only emphasise that business growth requirements have been sorely overlooked. Hindsight is a powerful thing. Fortunately, the market has developed since you originally made the decision on QuickBooks.

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central offers increased functionality and more flexibility; ease of use and access. The difference being, is that Business Central provides a more robust platform that caters for future growth. There are no limitations on records. The database is secure; denying direct access, data manipulation and unwarranted suspicion from auditors.

Dynamics 365 Business Central vs. QuickBooks


Problems with QuickBooks

Benefits of Dynamics 365 Business Central

If you’re experiencing these problems with QuickBooks it may be time for a change

If your business is frustrated by some of these problems with QuickBooks – you need a reliable system that can provide the support you need and grow with your business. It’s time for you to move across to Dynamics 365 Business Central.  Talk to Xpedition today to start planning your path to a new solution that will help connect your business better than ever before. A Microsoft Solutions Partner for over 15 years, with 100’s of successful project completions, Xpedition is the natural choice to guide your businesses’ path to growth. Alternatively, if you would like to learn more about Dynamics 365 Business Central and how businesses are getting the most out of their financial management systems by adopting the latest technologies available register today for our free to attend event in November.

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